Simon Gee and Justin Tracey from Reeltime Adventure have made an excellent video of last month’s BMC International Winter Meet.
“Hopefully catches a bit of the spirit of the event without getting bogged down on any one route or party,” Simon told me.
I think they have one an excellent job in capturing the nature of the meet. I have been fortunate enough to attend many of the winter meets and I felt this year’s was the best one ever. The friendly atmosphere created by Nick Colton and Becky McGovern from the BMC is very inclusive, and although some very impressive climbs were done, all standards were catered for the event was not at all elitist.
The winter meets run every two years or so, and if you are an enthusiastic winter climber and know your way around the Scottish mountains, I would recommend participating. It is a great opportunity to meet other climbers, both from abroad and the UK, and to showcase our unique style of climbing.
Thats Urban on the Vicar, in blue, and myself on Nocando. But yes, Urban was styling!
Thanks Will. Caption now corrected!
As a guest from Sweden I had a fantastic week. Thanks Simon for two great days out, and thanks to Iain for calling my bluff on Daddy Long Legs the first day of the meet.