CIC Hut Update

Will Sim, Greg Boswell and James Dunn waiting out the great storm in the CIC Hut on December 8. The roof of the old hut has been damaged (now the sleeping quarters) which is off photo to the left. (Photo Will Sim)

The SMC have recently issued a note on the CIC Hut as follows:

“As you may be aware, the CIC Hut sustained significant damage to the roof during the recent exceptional weather. A large area of roof cladding on the Allt a’Mhuillin side of the original building has been lost. It is hoped that a weather window may emerge in early January to enable materials to be flown up to effect a temporary repair with more permanent work taking place in the spring.

There has been some water ingress to the interior but fortunately not enough to render the premises wholly unusable. Occupation numbers will however have to be restricted until the temporary repairs take place.”

About Simon Richardson

Simon Richardson is a passionate Scottish winter climber
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