Daylight Robbery

James Edwards powering up the first pitch of Daylight Robbery (V,6), Creagan Coire Cha-no, Cairngorm. (Photo Simon Richardson)

Roger Webb, James Edwards and I snatched a quick route on Cairngorm yesterday (January 7), when we visited Creagan Coire Cha-no on the Eastern side of Cairngorm. It was a beautiful day, but strong winds and snowfall over the past few days had loaded the slopes of the approach gully, so we abseiled to the foot of the crag.

We climbed the groove and impending corner left of Smooth as Silk on Arch Wall. The route turned out to be a battle with spindrift blowing over the top of the crag, but even so it was a real treat to climb mid-week and enjoy an otherwise perfect day. We were only six hours car to car, and it was something of novelty for us not to be walking in and out in darkness. When Roger suggested calling our new addition Daylight Robbery, we all burst out laughing – it was the perfect name!

About Simon Richardson

Simon Richardson is a passionate Scottish winter climber
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